CILRAP » Case Matrix Network » CMN Knowledge Hub » Means of Proof Digest » Arts. 25 and 28 Modes of liability » Joint perpetration
Joint perpetration
- M.1. Existence of a common plan or agreement between two or more persons.
- M.2. The perpetrator provided an essential contribution to the common plan involving the commission of the crime.
- M.3. The perpetrator fulfilled the subjective elements of the crime charged.(In addition to M.2.1. requirement, requirements of M.2.2. and M.2.3. as well M.2.4. will be applicable as defined in mental elements of each specific crime.)
- M.4. The perpetrator and the other co-perpetrators are all mutually aware and mutually accept that implementing their common plan may result in the realization of the objective elements of the crime.
- M.5. The perpetrator was aware that he provided an essential contribution to the implementation of the common plan
- M.6. The accused is aware of the factual circumstances enabling him or her to jointly control the crime.