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More than 875 authors
from all continents

Historical Origins of International Criminal Law
Historical Origins of
International Criminal Law

Philosophical Foundations of
International Criminal Law

Policy Brief Series

Four-page briefs on policy challenges in international law

Quality Control
An online library

Our Chinese and Indian authors

TOAEP has published more than 90 Chinese and Indian authors

Art and the ‘politics
of reconciliation’

Integrity in international justice
Online library on integrity in international justice

Power in international justice
Online library on power in international justice

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Lexsitus e-learning

Lexsitus assists the learning of, and work with, legal sources in international criminal law. It provides structured online-access to AV-lectures, commentary, case law, preparatory works, and digests, at the level of each article and main provision of the Statute of the International Criminal Court. It contains more than 230 lectures by a Lexsitus Faculty of initially 50 leading experts in international criminal law from around the world. Lexsitus has been made by CILRAP, HELM Studio and Mithya Labs, with funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Nuremberg Principles Academy, a key project partner. The Project has been academically co-directed by Professors Morten Bergsmo (Peking University Law School) and Mark Klamberg (Stockholm University), and the Lexsitus Project Consortium includes academics at Stockholm University, Peking University, National University of Singapore, Salzburg University, O.P. Jindal Global University, and the University of Oslo. You can access Lexsitus here.


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CMN Knowledge Hub

CMN Knowledge Hub
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CILRAP Conversations

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CILRAP Conversations
on World Order

M.C. Bassiouni Justice Award

M.C. Bassiouni Justice Award

CILRAP Podcast

CILRAP Podcast

Our Books
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Islám and accountability
Online library on Islám and accountability

An online library