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Historical Origins of International Criminal Law
Historical Origins of
International Criminal Law

Philosophical Foundations of
International Criminal Law

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Four-page briefs on policy challenges in international law

Quality Control
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TOAEP has published more than 90 Chinese and Indian authors

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Integrity in international justice
Online library on integrity in international justice

Power in international justice
Online library on power in international justice

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Cooperation and Judicial Assistance Database

The Cooperation and Judicial Assistance Database (CJAD) provides a central information hub on all aspects of co-operation legislation. It contains all co-operation and judicial assistance laws relevant to the ICC Statute as well as the APIC. Through free universal access to CJAD, States are able to gain knowledge, review, compare, and access online information regarding co-operation legislation. CJAD has been developed by Professor Olympia Bekou, Head of the International Criminal Justice Unit of the Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre as an add-on to the National Implementing Legislation Database, a tool within the ICC Legal Tools Database.


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M.C. Bassiouni Justice Award

M.C. Bassiouni Justice Award

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CILRAP Podcast

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Islám and accountability
Online library on Islám and accountability

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