CILRAP » Case Matrix Network » CMN Knowledge Hub » Means of Proof Digest » Arts. 25 and 28 Modes of liability » Ordering
- M.1. A crime within the jurisdiction of Court was attempted or committed by a person or persons other than the perpetrator, with or without the participation of the perpetrator.
- M.2. The perpetrator gave an express or implied order to a subordinate or other person over whom the perpetrator was in a position of authority.
- M.3. The crime being attempted or committed in execution of or otherwise in furtherance of an order issued by the suspect
- M.4. The perpetrator intended to order the commission of the crime, or was aware of the substantial likelihood that the commission of the crime would be a consequence of his or her acts.
- M.5. The perpetrator was aware that the crime was attempted or committed in execution of or otherwise in furtherance of an order issued by the perpetrator