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7.a. [Mental element for Element 3] [Conduct of subjecting to medical or scientific experiment]: The perpetrator meant to subject one or more persons to a medical or scientific experiment.

In the Milch Trial, the US Military Tribunal II held that:

"In approaching a judicial solution of the questions involved in this phase of the case, it may be well to set down seriatim the controlling legal questions to be answered by an analysis of the proof. [...] (5) Were they conducted with prior knowledge on his part that they might be excessive or inhuman?"[1]

Judge Musanno held in a concurring opinion with respect to medical experiments that:

"4. That he had the power to prevent them."[2]


[1] Trial of Eberhard Milch, United States Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 20 December 1946-17 April 1947, p.774.

[2] Trial of Eberhard Milch, United States Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 20 December 1946-17 April 1947, p. 856.


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