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Technical requirements for the installation of the Case Matrix

The technical developer of the ICC Case Matrix, Ralph Hecksteden, has provided the following information on the technical requirements for local installations of the ICC Case Matrix.

General server requirements:

  • Windows 2k3 or Windows 2k8 System, Linux installation.
  • MySQL (4 or 5) or Oracle Database server (10g or XE).
  • PHP > 4.3.0
  • Screen resolution => 1024x768 pixels.
  • Firefox or MS Internet Explorer as a web browser.
  • 2 GB free disk space.
  • No services on Port 80 and 3306.

Requirements for CMD on Windows XP / Windows 7 workstations:

  • The setup.exe will install the Apache web server, the MySQL database and the needed PHP scripts.
  • Enabling browser access to local files with Win XP SP2.

Requirements for CMD on Win32 servers:

  • MS IIS with PHP enabled and a clean MySQL database (special setup files needed) or
  • parallel installation of IIS on port 80 and Apache on port 81 (installation with setup.exe possible).

General client requirements:

  • Webbrowser (MSIE 7 or Firefox > 2.0).
  • CPU > 1 GHz and 512 MB RAM for displaying large matrices.
  • Disabled local machine restrictions to open local files (only Win32).

Security guidelines:

The Case Matrix is a web application based on the XAMPP stack which runs with MS Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. The security of an installation depends on different factors. The application itself will be updated by the developers in case of security risks. The XAMPP stack must be maintained by the installation party. We suggest running the Case Matrix on virtual machines in the intranet with enabled SSL of the Apache web server. The user has to decide whether the XAMPP stack fits into the IT security regime.


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