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Services provided by the CMN

The CMN services draw on the combined expertise and experience of the CMN team which brings together first-hand experience with and a broad range of skills required for the effective and fair documentation, investigation and prosecution of serious human rights violations that may amount to core international crimes, as well as in the legislative and administrative facilitation of such work processes, including the formulation of best practices. These services are offered by the CMN on the basis of requests to and an understanding with its Director. They can be offered in situ or remotely, confidentially or not, on an ad hoc basis or through secondment. They currently include the following:

  1. advice on the establishment and organization of investigation and prosecution units for core international crimes, including the formulation of skills required, establishing the relationship between different professional groups within such units, defining job requirements and functions, budgeting, drafting prosecution regulations and directives, drafting codes of ethics and other integrity instruments, drafting criteria for the prioritization and selection of cases, drafting investigation or other work plans, and drafting prosecution strategies;
  2. advice on - or organization of services addressing - legal information, legal knowledge and legal skills needs of those who document, investigate, prosecute, adjudicate or defend against allegations of serious human rights violations which may amount to core international crimes, including the organization and management of legal advisory services, the development and use of legal databases, the use of information technology to support legal research, drafting, training and other forms of competence building;
  3. advice on the drafting of and review of legislation and other legal documents relevant to serious human rights violations which may amount to core international crimes, including legislation importing international crimes into national criminal law, legislation facilitating implementation of obligations under the statutes or other instruments of internationalised criminal jurisdictions, military manuals on international humanitarian law, and constitutional or other compatibility studies;
  4. advice on the jurisprudence of the internationalised ad hoc tribunals on questions of procedural law;
  5. training and coaching in issues mentioned under (i), (ii) and (iii) above, including training in all aspects of international criminal law and justice and international humanitarian law. Such training is customised to the specific needs of the user, with particular emphasis on practical use of information technology. Examples of beneficiaries include legislative drafters, judges, prosecutors, investigators, human rights professionals and civil society. Training of future trainers is encouraged;
  6. advice on - or organization of services addressing - analytical support of the investigation and prosecution of core international crimes cases.


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